What bothers me.. (part II)
Remember, marriage is not only about making children, but to nurture them with good morals and attitudes. This should be emphasized during kursus kahwin, but normally the ustaz tend to neglect this topic, and prefer interesting topic of sex, intercourse and sex. Many parents lament only when children had reached adolescent stage as they find it difficult to mould them at this stage. We must remember it is extremely difficult to teach the child and refine his character once puberty is passed. As a malay proverb goes, “ melentur buluh biarlah dari rebung”, which literally translate, to bend a bamboo must began with bending the bamboo shoot.
But at the first place, government must curb this problem. It saddens me to see student at early age not interested to go to school. And most of them are my own race. I love my own race, and that’s why I care. Sometime I hate politician for letting so much entertainment aired on our television. As if it’s not bad enough, they have 24 hours programme on Astro, and again, the parents do nothing to discern what channels their children watch. So much reality programs on TV which promotes hedonism, that the youth might think entertainment are far more important than study. Moreover, they almost forget the truth of Muslim belief, the life after death, the hereafter. This is applicable to the Agenda Setting theory of communication, where the audience might think what shown on the Medias important thing to care off. And that is entertainment they like to watch the most.
Our children are growing up in a world where there is little censure to show them the difference between right and wrong. The crimes that we read on a daily basis are the symptoms of the malady. If we do not come up with a long term answers and if we do not act now, begin with nurturing the early stage of a child’s life, our youth will be damned to a dismal future. And who’s to blame at when this happen? They will surely finger pointed at us.
And if such and such happen, almost nothing ca be done to cure and curb social ills among youth for it is no use to cry over splitting milk. A marriage is a sacred institution. Don’t taint it with our own unforgiving mistake.
With care,
Aisya Zaharin
gambar pakwe baru ko ke tu, hahaha.wei upload gambar kelas le,
i wud rather have a sun bear as my bf thn having a coward bf like u..
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